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We Need Fosters!

To say our foster home shortage is critical is an understatement. If you have been interested in fostering with our rescue, TODAY is the day to fill out your foster application. Our rescue is 100% foster based and without foster homes we cannot continue rescuing and rehabilitating German Shepherds. We receive, on average, 30 intake requests a month, and due to limited foster homes we can only accept 1-2 of these intake requests a month. If you’re approved to adopt with AGSDR, you’re approved to foster. If you own a German shepherd and have space in your life to help save a life, please considering fostering. We pay all medical bills and provide any supplies (crate, leash, collar, dog food, etc.) All you need to do is provide a safe place for a German Shepherd in need and show them love that oftentimes they have never experienced. Please consider fostering today. Paws crossed our community will help us help more German Shepherds in need by fostering an AGSDR pup.
To find out more about fostering visit our Foster page.